Big and Bright Happy Valentines Day Open Heart Balloon Bouquet will be a great choice for your Valentines Day gift or beautiful centerpiece for your party decoration!
Happy Valentines Day Open Heart Balloon Bouquet includes:
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- Happy Valentines Day Swirly Open Heart Balloon Mylar Party Balloon 31 Inch;
- 5 Metal Silver Hearts Mylar 18 Inch inflated;
- 5 Ruby Red Heart Shaped Latex Balloons 15 Inch inflated with Hi-Float.
Check out our large Valentine’s Day Balloons collection to get ideas and Contact Us if any Questions.
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- 31 inch and 18 inches Mylar Balloons with a shiny reflective surface.
- 4 color high-end printing – will not fade for the lifespan of the item.
- A balloon made from metalized nylon is lightweight and will keep helium gas from leaking for several weeks. Visit our Help-FAQ page for more info.
type=”warning”]*Please note >>> Colors on a screen could differ from real ones due to screen settings.[/message]
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